Case Study – Hiring a crowd of people in Liverpool for a PR Stunt
Case Study – Hiring a crowd of people in Liverpool for a PR Stunt
Want to gain attention? Make sure that your message gains maximum visibility?
For many people faced with this task, the immediate reaction is to advertise. But there is a much better way – and one that is guaranteed to generate a lot of publicity among a vast target market. This is to simply Rent a Crowd. It was this choice that was the method preferred by a Liverpool marketing agency when seeking to launch a new logo for Neighbourhood Watch.
The agency worked with us to identify the best people on our books to take part in this Rent a Crowd event. Their requirements were very specific. Exactly 84 people had to be present in the crowd, comprising a mix of young and old, male and female. Standing close together, every member of the crowd had to hold a sign above their heads. When viewed from above, the resultant image showed the new large neighbourhood watch logo.
Having booked the perfect crowd, our staff suddenly arrived without warning in a quiet cul-de-sac in Liverpool at 7.30 in the morning. Admittedly, the additional presence of media and TV cameras had alerted some of the residents to the fact that something unusual might be happening. Then out of the blue, our Rent A Crowd closed up holding their signs high above them creating an unforgettable image.
What were the results from hiring a crowd?
The results were outstanding. It made all the local news channels and appeared in every local newspaper ensuring that everyone knew about the logo.
The PR agency was ‘blown away’ by the success of the manoeuvre. They were also impressed by the fact that we had been able to get such an exact number of people in place, on time and played their parts so well despite the short notice we had to brief them.
Why not try a Rent A Crowd promotion yourself? If you want to get attention, it is the perfect answer. We can provide crowds that will sing, dance or perform tasks like that of the Neighbourhood Watch posters – all it takes is a phone call to our management staff.
We can provide any type of crowds for any location within the UK. All we need are the specifications in terms of numbers, gender, personalities and required tasks. There are no hidden costs since all our staff are local, and include people from all genders, shapes, sizes, ages and appearance.